Financial Planner

Case Study


Teenagers tend to ask the pivotal question “How is this going to help me in real life?”

  • Money management is rarely addressed in a classroom

  • Young adults can become overwhelmed or even frustrated when learning about financial planning


Provide information that is easy to consume

  • Increase user confidence and so they will contact a financial planner


My Role

Designer | Researcher | Writer

  • Sketches

  • Content

  • User research

  • Wireframes

  • Prototypes

  • Usability studies


  • Usability study

  • Content testing

  • Subject matter experts

  • Feedback

I like that it explains how to save money and not completely waste it
— Ariel L.

The process

  • Home screen mockup of financial planner app
  • planning for retirement screen of financial planner mockup
  • growing your wealth screen mockup of financial planner app

The Results

Unmoderated usability study

  • 5 participants

  • Age 18-24

  • Lacked confidence

This app is a great way to start planning your finances
— Mercedes F.

How would you describe the app?

Participants described the app as helpful and easy to use

How likely would you be to contact a financial advisor through this app?

After, 100% of users were likely to contact a financial advisor


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